SRC Election Nomination Day 2 July 2024

Dear students,Our SRC Nomination Day 2023/2024 is around the corner! Exercise your rights and let your voice be heard.

The Student Representative Council (SRC) Election Nomination Day is scheduled for 2 July 2024, from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

Nomination locations:

  • Kampar Campus: A009, Block A
  • Sungai Long Campus: KB006, DSA's Counter
The SRC plays a vital role in enhancing the student experience by promoting intellectual, spiritual, emotional, and physical development, organizing welfare facilities, and representing student interests. This is your chance to be part of it!

Objectives of SRC

  • To encourage and promote intellectual, spiritual, emotional and physical development among the students of the University;
  • To participate in the organization and supervision of, subject to the direction of the President, student welfare facilities in the University including recreational facilities, social, spiritual and religious activities;
  • To make representations to the President on all matters relating to, or connected with, the living and studying conditions of the University;
  • To be represented in any body which may in accordance with any rule made by the Council of the University for the purpose, be appointed to undertake student welfare activities in the University; and
  • To undertake such other activities as may be determined by the Council of the University from time to time.

We strongly encourage interested students to participate in the Nomination Day and take this opportunity to contribute to our university community.

SRC Structure
The SRC is set up according to the campuses. Each SRC of each campus consists of the following members:
a) Chairperson 
b)Vice Chairperson 
c) Secretary 
d) Treasurer
e) 2 Auditors
f) 1 Representative from each faculties/Institute
g) 5 campus wide representatives
h) 1 International Representatives
i) 1 Postgraduate  Representative
j) 1 Foundation Representative

Eligibility of Candidate 
All members of the SRC, whether elected or appointed, must be registered full-time foundation students, undergraduate students or postgraduate students of the University. Persons in the categories provided here in below shall not be eligible for SRC membership or be eligible for nomination for SRC elections:
a) a student pursuing any programme via Distance Learning and/or any External Programmes;
b) a student who has two long trimesters remaining to complete his / her academic study;
c) a student who is currently on leave of absence;
d) a student who is on academic probation;
e) a student who has committed a criminal offence;
f) A student who has been found guilty of a disciplinary offence, resulting in the imposition of suspension or termination as the penalty;
g) A student who has been found guilty of a disciplinary offence, resulting in the imposition of penalties other than suspension or termination; unless authorised in writing by the President;
h) A student who is undergoing disciplinary proceedings, his eligibility will be suspended unless authorised in writing by the President;
i) A student who is in arrears of fees unless authorised in writing by the President; and
j) Any student whom the University in its discretion deem as unfit (with reason(s) provided) to be eligible for the SRC.

Validity of Nomination
  • Subject always to the approval of the Election Committee, a candidate shall only be regarded as validly nominated if endorsed by one proposer, one seconder and two supporters. A candidate may be nominated for only one post within his or her SRC.
Same Campus
  • All of the persons mentioned in paragraph (1) above shall be from the same campus and fulfil the requirements of eligibility of a voter and/or a nominee. They must be present in person and produce their Student Identity Cards for verification when making the nomination.
Support for One Nominee only
  • The proposer, seconder and supporters mentioned in paragraph (1) above shall be entitled to propose, second and support only one nominee for any one post.
Submission of Nomination Form
  • The nomination form shall be submitted by the nominee in person to the Election Secretariat accompanied by his proposer, seconder and supporters at the time, date and venue specified in the Nomination Notice.
Close of Nomination
  • At the close of nomination, if there is insufficient number of nominee(s), the President of the University shall appoint the required number of candidates to form the respective SRC within 1 week of the election. The appointment of the student(s) is to be recommended by the deans of the respective / affected faculties of the campuses (for faculty representative) or the Student Affairs Committee (for campus wide representative).
Withdrawal of Nominee
  • Withdrawal by the nominee within three (3) days from the polling day shall not be allowe
For assistance and enquiry, please contact:
DSA Kampar Campus +605-4688 888 Ext. 2282/2570
DSA Sungai Long Campus +603-9086 0288 Ext. 820/828/826/824

Thank you.

Warm regards,
Election Secretariat 2024/2025
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman